Want to visit some Farm Animals in CT?
Finula “Finn” is our 9-year-old tri-color Australian shepherd who herds our cows and goats. She also has her eye on the sky for hungry hawks who have their sights on our chickens and ducks and their eggs. She is extremely smart but is a working dog and prefers to have her space.
Ruby Tuesday is a 12-year-old off-the-track thoroughbred. Her father is Big Brown, who won the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness. Ruby had a successful career and raced at the prestigious Keeneland racetrack and amassed $70k in winnings. Now she is happy to ride with Amy as her partner.
Mr. BoJangles is a 10-year-old Shetland mini cross. He is very confident and loves attention. He loves to eat, so Amy keeps him in shape, lunging him in the riding ring and driving him with a cart on neighborhood roads. He is always hungry, so watch those nippy teeth!
Our cows are a heritage breed originating from the Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland. Winter is their favorite season due to their long hair. They are a docile breed with expressive eyes and long horns.
Salty, Pepper, and Cocoa are our LaMancha goats and have been with us since 2016. Sadly we lost Pepper in 2022. They are a curious breed, but like our Highlanders, they have horns that they sometimes use!
We currently have a small flock of chickens and one very cocky rooster! In 2022 one of our chickens became broody and hatched two chicks! There is nothing like farm-fresh, free-range chicken eggs.
Our Pekin ducks are hilarious to watch as they waddle from the barn to the pond, all in a straight line. We raise Pekin ducks for their beauty and, of course, their eggs.
We adopted our barn cats from a special rescue in NYC called Puppy Kitty New York City. You might see them out hunting for mice or up in the hay loft sleeping. Since they were feral when we adopted them, they prefer to be admired from afar.